“The only way through is in.”

About Vanessa Scotto
Vanessa Scotto has over 20 years of clinical practice and two Masters degrees in Spiritual Psychology and in Traditional Chinese Medicine. Vanessa has taught higher education academic classes in Psychology, Communications and Counseling Skills and has brought Meditation and Emotional Intelligence training into corporations. She has pursued advanced training in Contemplative Psychology with Nalanda Institute, has received an Advanced Energy Medicine Certification from Cyndi Dale and is certified in the Realization Process of somatic meditation with Judith Blackstone. She was also the co-host of a much beloved podcast about healing and the spiritual journey called Bliss and Grit. Vanessa's expertise informs her orientation that emotional and physical wellbeing must be met holistically; at the levels of mind, body, and spirit. Her speciality is bringing practical wisdom to the journey of healing and self-realization and she is known for her unique ability to support people in experiencing greater levels of self-compassion. You can read more about Vanessa's personal journey here. Or visit the Media page for interviews, audio classes and articles.

work with Vanessa
Coaching and Mentorship
Vanessa offers one-on-one Life Coaching, Spiritual Mentorship or Coaching Practitioner Mentorship sessions. While each session is unique, together we explore holistic approaches through which you can lovingly repair your relationship with yourself and with life. You can recover faith and curiosity. By connecting inwardly you can feel whole and at ease in self acceptance, making more space for your genuine self to exist. Click to find out more about Life Coaching. As a seasoned practitioner with a Masters degree in Transpersonal Psychology and over 15 years of experience in Coaching, Vanessa also mentors coaches and counselors looking to refine their practice and integrate more spirituality into their work. To inquire about professional mentorship please email Vanessa at vanessa@vanessascotto.com
For testimonials about working with Vanessa read here.
*Vanessa is NOT a licensed psychotherapist.

Vanessa is the co-host of the Bliss + Grit podcast. On this podcast Vanessa and her long-time friend Brooke Thomas are having conversations about spirituality in the modern world. Topics range from healing trauma to self-love and spiritual awakening. Ultimately, we explore how we can embrace everything- all the beauty and crazy, the joys and the messes, the bliss and the grit that is a human life. To hear their conversations, as well as interviews with awakening teachers, go to www.blissandgrit.com

"Vanessa's sessions are much like walking through a garden, so much beauty is uncovered, so much fragrance is experienced, and so much compassion is met for the seeds that have yet to grow. She allows me to see into myself as a vessel of beauty, where even weeds hold potential to decorate the experience of life. A session with Vanessa is much like talking to yourself with unbridled compassion and unconditional understanding. For everything you want to hear, you want to say, and you want to know for yourself, she serves as a conduit to the self-inquiry and the self-reflection that is required to do so. Vanessa's sessions give me the courage and reassurance to continue on the path of evolution. It is not therapy, it is not venting, it is not chatting, it is a conversation where you are given the gift of being met wherever you are, however you need to be held.” -Shweta
“Sessions with Vanessa feel like being in a safe container that's made of light, one in which I'm being guided and reflected by a benevolent compassionate friend or sister. To say Vanessa is heart centered would be very true but also not quite enough. She's heart-centered but without being woo. Heart centered but with an edge. A modern edge. I often leave our sessions feeling as though I've had some kind of release or light shone on hidden parts of myself and I always leave our sessions feeling as though I have permission to fully be me. I love her particular flavor, which to me is modern, spiritual, quantum (for lack of a better word) somatic and practical. I find sessions with her often hit all those points quite naturally. We can discuss the nitty gritty, practical parts of living life as a human in all it's messiness and confusion, and we can also energetically sit in the quantum, mystical or heart realms together just as easily. I get so much out of my sessions with Vanessa and find them intuitively guided, co-creative and even when I bring the darker versions of myself to sessions with her, I feel met, seen and my heart feels tended to by both of us. We also just have a lot of fun and I appreciate that aspect of her immensely. Sessions feel like you're meeting a girlfriend who is equipped and encouraging, fun yet profound, sweet and deep and beautifully nuanced.”
“Simply put, our work together is the most powerful, effective tool for personal and professional growth I have ever engaged– and I’ve done a lot. Vanessa is a supreme advocate and ally: she’s wise, fierce, present, compassionate, and very funny. She has an uncanny knack for crystallizing and clarifying situations that feel impossibly muddled and complicated. She helps me see through my habitual anxieties to what I really want and need. On the whole, I am happier and more satisfied in my life since beginning coaching, in part because I’m holding myself back less."- Lily Mazzerella
"With the risk of sounding overly dramatic- the work we have done over the last couple of months has changed my life. Vanessa has a rare combination of being a truly gifted healer while also being very pragmatic and I was in desperate need of both. She has lovingly helped me break down the negative blocks that have derailed my ability to live my true and fulfilled life while systematically giving me practical and manageable steps to take me to where I only dreamed I could reach. Vanessa's sincere kindness and loving care during my personal journey is something I will forever treasure. My constant companion of hopelessness has been replaced with excitement about what is next." -Valerie Keane
“Vanessa is one of those people who sees the true and inner you right away. Her beauty, warmth, wisdom, love and compassionate energy radiate from the inside out and into your being. She opened me up to the worlds both within myself and beyond this world that I had trouble coming to terms with. Vanessa has brought me love, inner peace and closer to Spirit. When working with her I have deeply healed past traumas, gained confidence within and allowed myself to be a loving and present spiritual human being in the world- and especially in my relationship with my husband. She is like the North Star constant, shining bright, always showing you the way. Her guidance and friendship is something I will cherish forever. I am so blessed to have her in my life. Really, writing a testimonial does not do her justice, once you meet her you’ll just know.”– Juliana Bolnick
“Fiercely wise, deeply generous, and soulful to the core, Vanessa Scotto is not afraid to go there. She cuts straight to heart of the matter while encouraging you to rise to your own potential. I leave every interaction with Vanessa feeling more like myself then when I arrived–inspired, enlivened, and ready to make things happen! She is truly gifted in the art of cultivating transformation.”-Shelly Bullard, MFT
“It’s been said that a true leader empowers more leadership, as opposed to collecting followers. Vanessa’s compassionate, empathic approach to transformation has encouraged me to live by my truest vision, to give up self-doubting behaviors and access my inner spark! Vanessa has nurtured my being, my truest self, allowing me to reach beyond my resistance to evolution. It’s an empowering experience to feel the guidance and mentorship of one who can meet you where you are at, and encourage growth, bringing you up to where you can be, and beyond!” – Esther Rosen
“I’m so blessed to have Vanessa come into my life. It’s amazing how true her guidance is every time we meet. When loved ones and the world around me become too overwhelming Vanessa helps me to identify and focus on what it is *I* need to fully live my life. Each session leaves me feeling uplifted and excited for whatever life is going to throw at me next. If you’re looking for direction, you’ll find it by working with Vanessa!” -Michelle Aubee
“When you’re ready for your whole world to be transformed, this is the woman to talk to. Consistently fluctuating between creating a caring and nurturing space to a pragmatic approach to real-world dilemmas and issues, Vanessa is the full package. With grace, Vanessa has helped with my evolution. I whole-heatedly recommend her. In fact, I dare you to work with her!” -Lana Revutsky
“I made a promise to myself in the new year to renew my focus on some personal and professional goals, knowing I needed more clarity to get there. Working with Vanessa Scotto has been the perfect step in that direction. If you’re wanting to finally give yourself the chance to both embrace and pursue your life’s dreams and passions, and you’re longing for some guidance and encouragement along the way, I cannot recommend Vanessa enough.”– Laura Coppelman
“Vanessa Scotto is great. I love working with her. She has helped me IMMENSELY in my career, love and life.”– Pablo Lucero
“The work we’ve done so far is really flowing through my life. I’ve changed fundamentally and am a much “cleaner” version of my soul. I’ve changed how I eat, am balancing school, work, yoga and starting to make time to create art as well. Planted a little succulent garden a few weeks ago and the plants are now blooming. Some things are metaphorical that touch our souls and make us know we are not alone in the world. That’s what this work has done for me.”– Denise
Photography by Laura Coppelman
Logo Design by Arlene Delgado